Sunday, April 29, 2012

James Bond - The Most Interesting Intermittent Faster in the World?

Ian Fleming, the author of the original James Bond works, intended the character to be dull and unassuming.  Fleming, who wrote the Bond novels from his Goldeneye chateau in Jamaica, created the James Bond name after a well known Caribbean ornithologist and renown bird expert.  As those that have seen the Bond movies or read the books, James Bond is anything but dull and unassuming.  In fact, seeing the recent Dos Equis ads featuring the self-proclaimed "most interesting man in the world",  I think James Bond was that exact man about 50+ years before Dos Equis donned the term.  Amongst his wit, charm, intellect, looks and sense of humor, Bond was fit.  He was and is most often portrayed as a runner or swimmer, both activities that are terrific forms of exercise.  I've always been a fan of running, as it forces you to carry your weight and your body in a dynamic state of motion.  Of course, swimming is another solid exercise, allowing less stress on the joints and body while still giving a great workout.   James Bond had the gift of doing both very well.

As intriguing as his exercise prowess, Bond also showed us his eating habits.  Speaking of birds, James Bond usually ate like one.  Since today's literature, internet and television is loaded with nutrition and philosophies, a case could be made that James Bond may have been an intermittent faster (I.F.).  If you aren't familiar with intermittent fasting, you can read more here.   In addition to his on the go lifestyle, I.F. may have helped further to keep Bond fit and in top notch form.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Dr. Johnny Bowden - The Rogue Nutritionist

Those that know me can attest that I have a strong admiration for anyone with the initials JB.  Over the next few blogs, I'll try to highlight some of my favorites.  In no particular order, here goes.

Dr. Johnny Bowden, the self proclaimed "Rogue Nutritionist",  is back at it again.  He has just released a new product called "Unleash Your Thin".  For those that don't know Johnny, here's a list of his books:

  • “The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth”
  • “The 100 Healthiest Foods for Pregnancy” (with Allison Tannis)
  • “The Most Effective Natural Cures on Earth”
  • “The Healthiest Meals on Earth” (with Jeannette Bessinger)
  • “The 150 Most Effective Ways to Boost Your Energy”
  • “The Most Effective Ways to Live Longer”
  • “The Live Longer Cookbook” (with Jeannette Bessinger)
  •  "Living Low Carb" 
  • “The Healthiest 15-Minute Recipes on Earth” (with Jeannette Bessinger)

  • You can read more about Dr. Johnny Bowden at his site here.  More on Johnny in the future!

    Sunday, April 22, 2012

    The Wellinspired Blog

    Welcome to Wellinspired - inspiring holistic health and whole living through body, mind and spirit.

    The website will soon be up and running and can be found here.

    Thanks for stopping by and talk to you soon!